Intro to Fencing Camp Application Intro to Fencing Camp Application Please fill out and submit the following form to apply for an Intro to Fencing camp. *Required Fields Fencer Information First Name* Last Name* Preferred Name Birthday* Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* Email* Check to join club newsletter email list Phone* Is the fencer under 18?* YesNo [group group-youth-fencer] Youth Fencer Additional Information Fencer high school graduating year* Parent/Guardian #1 Information First Name* Last Name* Email* Check to join club newsletter email list Phone* Check if address is the same as fencer [group parent1-address] Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* [/group] Parent/Guardian #2 Information Check to add second Parent/Guardian [group parent2-info] First Name* Last Name* Email* Check to join club newsletter email list Phone* Check if address is the same as fencer [group parent2-address] Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* [/group] [/group] [/group] Emergency Contact Must be someone not already listed above First Name* Last Name* Relationship* Phone* Medical Information List any allergies and/or medical conditions staff should know about: Liability Waiver I understand and appreciate that the participation in fencing as a sport carries a risk to me of serious injury, including permanent paralysis or death. I agree to abide by the rules of South Denver Fencing Academy (hereinafter “SDFA”) and USA Fencing. I enter the classes and events sponsored by SDFA voluntarily and at my own risk, and knowingly recognize, accept, and assume this risk and release SDFA, USA Fencing, and their sponsors, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, event organizers, and officials from any and all liability. Fencer Signature* Date* [group parent-signature-1] Parent/Guardian Signature* Date* [/group] Consent for Medical Treatment I give my consent to SDFA and its representatives to obtain medical care from any licensed physician, hospital, or clinic for the fencer named for any injury or illness that may arise during activities associated with classes and events sponsored by SDFA. Fencer Signature* Date* [group parent-signature-2] Parent/Guardian Signature* Date* [/group] Photography Release I hereby grant permission to SDFA to use photographs and/or video of me taken at the club or club activities in publications, news releases, online, and in other communications. Fencer Signature* Date* [group parent-signature-3] Parent/Guardian Signature* Date* [/group] Code of Conduct To ensure a safe and sportsmanlike atmosphere for all members, everyone who uses our facility must adhere to our code of conduct and is expected to hold one another to these standards. By using our facilities, you agree to abide by this code and be subject to its disciplinary provisions. We expect fencers to show respect to our fencers, coaches, visitors, staff, facility, and the rules of the game behave in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. Use of tobacco, marijuana, and other drug products and alcohol are prohibited on the premises. Yellow Cards Behavior that would get you a warning or yellow card at a competition will get you a warning or yellow card at the club. This includes, but is not limited to, the following specific prohibitions: -Swearing -Name calling or negative talk -Throwing equipment -Hitting or kicking the floor or walls -Yelling (unless you just scored a touch, or thought you did) -Misuse of equipment Fencers who continue to violate these guidelines after being told to stop will be required to stop fencing for the remainder of the class. Parents/Guardians will be notified for fencers under 18. Black Cards Behavior that would get you a black card at a competition will get you a black card at the club. This includes, but is not limited to, the following specific prohibitions: -Dangerously throwing equipment -Willful damage to club property -Dangerous or vindictive fencing -Shouting matches -Fighting or threats -Extreme unsportsmanlike conduct -Failure to follow the directive of the managers, coaches, or staff on duty Such behavior will result in being required to leave the facility immediately. Fencers who are black-carded are subject to suspension from the club and will be prohibited from the use of the facilities. The owners/managers of SDFA will review all black cards to determine the length of suspension. Refunds will not be issued for unused dues and fees. I agree to abide by SDFA’s Code of Conduct and be subject to its disciplinary provisions. Fencer Signature* Date* [group parent-signature-4] Parent/Guardian Signature* Date* [/group] Fencing Experience Do you (the fencer) have any previous fencing experience? Please describe.* Camp Session Select the camp session you're interested in signing up for:* June 24-26, 2024July 21 - 23, 2025